Embedding Good Practice Training

AAC awareness training for staff in schools and settings.

Do you have a Child or Young person (CYP) using a communication aid who is due to start in your class or setting?

Are you familiar with AAC and how to support a CYP in your setting?

You can register for a short presentation that has been designed with new team members in mind.

Focus on CYP moving to a new class or setting with a new team of staff (open to the team around the child or young person) such as teachers/ sencos/ teaching assistants/ key workers, and any LSLT's new to post etc.

Book Here:

No current dates, Please check back here for future dates.

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/bristol-centre-enablement/services-at-centre/aac-west-service/aac-west-training/embedding-good-practice-training