A Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB) is a scheme offered to provide a wider choice for wheelchair users. At your assessment you will work with a clinician to identify what you want to achieve with your wheelchair. If the clinician identifies that a new wheelchair is required you will be prescribed an NHS wheelchair and be told the cost of this provision. This is your Personal Wheelchair Budget. You have the following choices on how to use your PWB:
Accept the wheelchair prescribed to meet your needs. The wheelchair will remain the property of the NHS.
Cost to you: No cost to you.
Repairs/maintenance: Provided by Bristol Wheelchair Repair Service.
You can upgrade to an alternative model of wheelchair within the NHS range. The wheelchair will remain the property of the NHS.
Cost to you: Cost difference between NHS provision and the model that you choose.
Repairs/maintenance: Provided by Bristol Wheelchair Repair Service.
You can add additional features to the wheelchair provided with guidance of the clinician. The wheelchair and any additional features will remain the property of the NHS.
Cost to you: Cost of any ‘add on’ features.
Repairs/maintenance: Provided by Bristol Wheelchair Repair Service but you will incur a cost for any repairs for the additional features (including call out and labour charges).
You can choose a model of wheelchair outside of the NHS range, provided it meets your identified needs, from an independent mobility provider.
Cost to you: Cost difference between NHS provision and the model that you choose.
Repairs/maintenance: You will own the wheelchair and will be responsible for any repairs or maintenance required.
A PWB will be in line with expected life of equipment; a typical adult wheelchair lasts 5 years, a typical children’s wheelchair or buggy will last 3 years due to expected growth of the child. A new PWB within this period will not be issued unless there are significant and unpredicted changes in your needs which will need to be agreed by a clinician at a further assessment.
All equipment prescribed by the NHS will be new or ‘as new’ refurbished by manufacturer.
Yes – A clinical assessment is essential to the process of identifying your needs and the value of your Personal Wheelchair Budget (PWB).
The required paperwork will be sent to you detailing your final PWB calculation and how to proceed.
Essentially you, but you can investigate financial assistance from charities or other organisations.
Currently payment by cheque or by telephone to the Cashiers Office at North Bristol NHS Trust. Details available upon request.
No payments should be made to any supplier until the service has approved the supplier specification.
We pay the chosen supplier the value of the PWB. You will need to pay the supplier any additional costs.
In some cases the PWB does not cover the whole cost of an alternative wheelchair from a supplier. Additional funds may be required as above.
If you or the individual you are caring for need support reading this leaflet please ask a member of staff for advice.
Bristol Centre for Enablement
Highwood Pavilions
Jupiter Road
BS34 5BW
(Sat Nav postcode BS34 5SP)
0117 414 4900 (9:00am-4:30pm)
© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published July 2021. Review due July 2023. NBT003393