Dietetic Students

At North Bristol Trust, we supervise Plymouth University dietetic students for A, B and C placements, as well as overseeing placements for MSc Dietetics students from Birmingham City University.

We aim to offer our students a varied experience when they are on placement with us. Areas which students typically gain experience in include:

We offer students a combination of home learning, face-to-face patient contact and virtual clinic experience. The home learning often comprises of case studies and tutorials to support learning in each speciality.

The dietetic team here comprises of approximately 30 dietitians. Each student will be assigned a key worker and mentor but will likely spend some time with most of the dietitians over the course of the placements.

Contact Nutrition & Dietetics

Kendon House
Kendon Way
Southmead Hospital

Telephone:  0117 414 5428 or 0117 414 5429

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