Outpatient Clinic Appointments
Centralised Booking Office (for outpatient appointments) Telephone: 0300 555 0103
Operations/Procedures Appointments
In patient telephone:
Mr Antonio Orlando: 0117 414 7607
Mr Ewan Wilson: 0117 414 6604
Mr Iraklis Delikonstantinou: 0117 414 7603
Day Case telephone: 0117 414 7616
For Pigmented Lesion Clinic Appointments (Fast Track Office)
Telephone: 0117 414 0543 or 0117 414 0536
Skin Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Team
Telephone: 0117 414 7415
Our Plastic Surgery Department is the main centre for treating patients with skin cancer in the southwest.
Clinics are held at Southmead Hospital Bristol, Royal United Hospital Bath & Gloucester Royal Hospitals.