SMTN Education & Training

We are passionate about providing training and education for all professionals involved in the management of Major Trauma patients. We have a comprehensive training and education programme enabling us to continually improve the care we deliver to our patients. 

Trauma is one of the leading causes of death and disability across England and Wales. 

The Network is committed to reducing avoidable deaths and life-limiting injuries. We aim to improve care for seriously injured patients across the whole patient pathway from point of injury to rehabilitation. This is achieved by collaboration between multiple specialties, professions and organisations. 

As a Network, we aim to deliver outstanding patient care. This care should be of the highest quality, delivered with respect and dignity in a safe environment. It should be individually tailored to the needs of each patient and will involve their carers and relatives. 

The care will be delivered in a coordinated way involving multiple organisations and multiple different specialities and individuals. 

This care will not stop at point of hospital discharge or following the death of a patient. 

We will constantly evaluate and improve the care that is delivered by adhering to a robust governance programme that includes participation in audit, education and research. 

Integral to these aims and our philosophy of care is the training and education of the clinicians delivering the service. 

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