Newborn Screening Quality Management

Updated on 20/10/21

Extended Screening Policy

Regional Policy template for newborn screening for Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMDs) in the South West.pdf735.1 KB


Turn around time & Quality standards 

The UK National Screening Committee sets national standards for newborn screening. Several of these relate to turn-around time and availability of results.



Receipt into clinical care:

Timeliness of results to parents:

Laboratory Quality Assurance

Within our UKAS Accredited laboratory, we strive to provide results of excellent quality. To ensure that we continue to improve our service we hold regular quality meetings, perform a detailed annual audit and have annual governance regional meetings. We also participate in the following external quality assurance schemes:


Contact Newborn Screening

Newborn Screening Laboratory (Bristol)
PO Box 407

Telephone: 0117 414 8412


Opening times: 9am - 5pm Monday - Friday excluding bank holidays.

Clinical advice & interpretation is available during working hours.

Access the NHS Blood Spot Screening Programme Centre

Off Off Blood Spot Quality Management

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