
The Pathology Phlebotomy Team based in the Brunel building at Southmead Hospital Bristol managed by Anna Dacey Phlebotomy Manager (mobile 07725605670). She is responsible for the team and the services they provide.

A phlebotomy service is available to all wards (except Maternity and ITU):

Please note that there is no arrangement in place for urgent “on demand” phlebotomy.

We carry out all phlebotomy requests including cross matching and group and holds.

All ICE requests must be on the system by 6.30am on the day required, or they will automatically go onto the next days round

The phlebotomists cannot accept paper requests (except transfusion requests where paper is required), all requests must be put on ICE.

On weekends and bank holidays there are limited numbers of Phlebotomists working and we would ask that you would try to keep the number of requests down to a minimum.

Dynamic function tests and samples requiring collection at a specific time should be collected by the medical staff. 

Patients can be bled for certain specialised or labile tests (by prior agreement) at agreed times.

Information for patients is available on the following area of our website Having a blood sample taken | North Bristol NHS Trust (


The phlebotomy team has qualified trainers within the Brunel building at Southmead Hospital who regularly provide training in venepuncture to clinical staff, following their attendance at the venepuncture study day.

For North Bristol NHS Trust staff there is no charge for this service. Trainees will be accommodated as soon as possible, but this is dependent on staffing levels and a trainer availability.

Please contact the phlebotomy manager if you wish to undertake training in venepuncture with the phlebotomy team.

Contact Phlebotomy

Any queries regarding the phlebotomy service should be directed to:

Anna Dacey
Phlebotomy Manager
Telephone: 07725605670 or 0117 4143204

Lorraine Mallinson
Lead phlebotomist
Telephone: 0117 4143203

Test Information

Sample vials for testing

Includes details of sample types, volumes, special precautions, turnaround times & reference ranges.

Off Off Phlebotomy

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