SWNODN Training & Development

The South West Neuromuscular Operational Delivery Network (SWNODN) has been tasked with improving knowledge of neuromuscular conditions as well as training local teams of allied health professionals to deliver better, safer and equitable care in the South West. To achieve this, SWNODN specialists provide a variety of training and development opportunities. Many of the training and development requirements need to be delivered face to face, however, the SWNODN is also working to develop online e-learning for staff working in primary and secondary care.

General Practitioners and other healthcare professionals

Royal College of General Practitioners - Neuromuscular Disorders e-learning course

Muscular Dystrophy UK, in collaboration with the Royal College of General Practitioners, has produced an e-learning course for healthcare professionals which discusses the presentation and prognosis of the more common neuromuscular diseases.  Please click on this link: http://elearning.rcgp.org.uk/course/index.php?categoryid=8 and select the "Neuromuscular Disorders" module. (free registration will be required)

Our Neuromuscular Advisors would also be happy to come along to your GP practice to answer any questions and provide information on what non-clinical support they can offer your patients in the community.  Please contact 0117 4141184 to discuss your requirements.


Specialist Neuromuscular Physiotherapists attend paediatric and adult neuromuscular clinics around the region, providing specialist physiotherapy advice and support to patients. Community therapists are very welcome to attend these clinics with their patients to help facilitate communication and collaboration. SWNODN Neuromuscular Physiotherapists are also a resource to therapy teams around the South West for training in various aspects of assessment and treatment of neuromuscular conditions, as well as offering joint visits and ongoing advice and support.

Adult Physiotherapy e-learning module

Muscular Dystrophy UK has worked with Kingston University & St George's University of London and the MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, UCLH to develop an e-learning module on neuromuscular conditions for physiotherapists.  Aimed at community and neuro-physiotherapists, the module focuses on 11 short topics that develop critical understanding of the management of muscle wasting conditions.  The course is free and can be accessed via this link Physiotherapy Management in Neuromuscular Diseases.

If you would like further details about opportunities for training in your region, or would like to arrange for a SWNODN Neuromuscular Physiotherapist to deliver some training for your team, please contact the SWNODN and become an Affiliate Member of the Network to be the first to know about any training scheduled in your area.

Clinical Psychologists

Specialist Psychology support is available in the South West for mental health and peripheral support services. Support can be provided for triaging patient care, providing CPD on invited topics and facilitating peer supervision around condition specific issues / questions.

Limited direct therapeutic support is offered for patients presenting with issues directly related to adjustment to a neuromuscular conditions. However, mental health needs are generally considered appropriate for referral to mainstream child and adult mental health services, with access to the Network’s Specialist Psychologists available if required.

Nursing/AHPs/Social Care

The South West Neuromuscular Operational Delivery Network (SWNODN) Neuromuscular Advisors would be happy to advise other health and social care professionals about specific neuromuscular conditions and can provide a valuable knowledge resource around support for patients in their area through charitable organisations, hospices, etc.
The SWNODN Advisors are based within acute hospitals and therefore can assist with discharge of patients who may need complex arrangements in the community. They can provide in-house training about neuromuscular conditions and the patient pathway through the SWNODN services.

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Source URL: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/south-west-neuromuscular-operational-delivery-network/swnodn-clinicians/swnodn-training-development