SWNODN Executive Board

SWNODN Executive Board

The SWNODN Executive Board consists of doctors, allied healthcare professionals, Trust management, commissioners and patients, carers and family members who have an interest, or expertise, in the Network’s aims, development and outcomes. Provider organisations that deliver neuromuscular services within the SWNODN’s geographical area are responsible for the delivery of SWNODN recommendations, in partnership with the host organisation (North Bristol NHS Trust), and therefore also have representation on the Board. The Board operates to the The Governance Model for Operational Delivery Networks; South West Specialised Commissioning. 

The SWNODN Executive Board Membership is required to be a multi-disciplinary group; therefore its membership consists of a number of health care professionals specialising in respiratory, cardiology, genetics, clinical psychology and therapy services.  We also ensure that we have a patient voice at our Board meetings via a member of Muscular Dystrophy UK and patient, carer and family representatives. 

Our Network Board meets three times a year to review the Work Programme and agree actions to be taken forward by the Operational Management Team in line with the Board’s Terms of Reference. 

SWNODN Executive Board