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Do something extraordinary everyday
Joining our team at North Bristol Trust could be one of the best decisions you make. With a wide range of roles to suit different backgrounds and interests, working with us gives you the chance to make a difference every single day.
What is North Bristol NHS Trust?
North Bristol NHS Trust is one of the largest healthcare trusts in the South West of England. We provide hospital and community healthcare to people living in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. We do this across a range of settings, including within our award-winning Brunel building, designed and built for a better patient and staff experience.
What does North Bristol NHS Trust do?
- We care for people with a wide range of health conditions through a range of services. These range from routine check-ups to specialist neurosurgery, orthopaedics, plastics and burns.
- We deliver more than 6,000 beautiful babies a year in our maternity units, birth centres and at home.
- Our hard-working Emergency Department is a regional trauma centre. Here, we care for people with wide range of illnesses and injuries. For example, strokes and broken arms through to people who have been in a serious car crash.
- We don’t just treat patients. We support the future of healthcare with world-leading research and by training the clinicians of the future.
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The team: where could you fit in?


×At North Bristol NHS Trust, we will support you to be the best nurse that you can be. From day one, you will benefit from strong nursing leadership, experienced role models and a structured support network to maximise your wellbeing and professional development.
Roles include:
Registered Nurse.
Healthcare Support Worker.
Nursing Associates.
Return to Practice Nurse.
Our clinical teams provide patient centered care over a wide range of specialties in our five clinical divisions:
Medicine Division – specialties include Cardiology, Respiratory, Acute Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Complex Care, Elgar Enablement Unit, Complex Assessment Unit.
Anaesthesia, Surgery, Critical Care and Renal Division – specialties include Intensive Care, Renal and Haemodialysis, Surgical Admission – Surgical Assessment Unit, Vascular, Burns and Plastics, General Surgery, Theatres and Medirooms.
Neurosciences and Musculoskeletal Division – Stroke, Neurosurgery, Spines, Pain, Elective Orthopaedics, Trauma, Neurology, Rheumatology, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology, Bristol Centre for Enablement, Neuropathology, Bristol Speech and Language Therapy.
Women and Children’s Health Division – Neonatal Intensive Care and Gynaecology.
Core Clinical Services Division – Outpatients and Interventional Radiology.
We support our nurses to gain experience in all areas and can build a bespoke rotation to support the career pathway of your choice.

×Our dedicated Women and Children’s Health Division at North Bristol NHS Trust provides maternity services for the Trust. We can offer midwives many exciting opportunities that will help to develop skills in all areas of maternity care, including in our antenatal, postnatal and birth settings, including the central delivery suite and midwifery led birth centres. We are proud to co-produce our services with the Local Maternity System and Maternity Voices Partnerships.
Roles include:
Registered Midwife
Maternity Support Worker
Return to Practice Midwife
Obstetric Sonographer
Our Maternity Services at North Bristol NHS Trust include the following:
24hr antenatal assessment unit
Mendip Birth Centre - An alongside midwifery unit which support approx. 500 births per year in the birth centre and at home.
Cossham Birth Centre – a freestanding midwifery unit with up to 150 births per year.
A 15 bed Consultant led Obstetric Unit, including dedicated space for providing Level 2 High Dependency care and a newly refurbished bereavement suite
Cross city maternal medicine services with specialist endocrine, epilepsy, haematology and renal clinics.
A Fetal Medicine Service including preterm clinics.
A Community Midwifery Service which covers South Gloucestershire, North Bristol and North Somerset.
Specialist Midwifery services including bereavement midwives, complex care midwives, perinatal mental health team, practice development team, infant feeding team and fetal monitoring midwives.
Collaborative working with the Trust theatre teams in the provision of elective and emergency maternity theatre care.
Our Continuous Improvement and Learning Team, which has previously been awarded Healthcare Team of the Year at North Bristol NHS Trusts’ Annual Staff Awards.
Allied Health Professionals

Allied Health Professionals
×Allied Health Professionals play an integral role in supporting our patients from admission, throughout their hospital stay and long after discharge. The high-quality care that patients receive, not only medically but therapeutically would not be possible without the excellent multidisciplinary approach that Allied Health Professionals provide at North Bristol NHS Trust.
Roles include:
- Radiographer
- Occupational Therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Dietition
- Speech and Language Therapist
- Operating Department Practitioner
- Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech and Language Support Worker
Our clinical teams provide outstanding patient care over a wide range of specialties in our five clinical divisions:
- Medicine Division– specialties include Cardiology, Respiratory, Acute Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Complex Care, Elgar Enablement Unit, Complex Assessment Unit.
- Anaesthesia, Surgery, Critical Care and Renal Division – specialties include Intensive Care, Renal and Haemodialysis, Surgical Admission – Surgical Assessment Unit, Vascular, Burns and Plastics, General Surgery, Theatres and Medirooms.
- Neurosciences and Musculoskeletal Division– Stroke, Neurosurgery, Spines, Pain, Elective Orthopaedics, Trauma, Neurology, Rheumatology, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology, Bristol Centre for Enablement (including prosthetics and orthotics), Neuropathology, Bristol Speech and Language Therapy.
- Women and Children’s Health Division – Neonatal Intensive Care and Gynaecology.
- Core Clinical Services Division – Outpatients, Imaging and Interventional Radiology, Pathology, Pharmacy, Therapies.

×At North Bristol NHS Trust, we have internationally renowned medical teams delivering incredible outcomes for our patients. For many years we have been at the forefront of new medical techniques and innovations, including brain and spinal surgery, joint replacement and the world’s first radar breast imaging system, to name a few.
Roles include:
- Consultant.
- Clinical Fellow.
- Locum Doctor.
- Resident Doctor.
Our medical teams provided exceptional healthcare over a wide range of specialties in our five clinical divisions:
- Medicine Division – specialties include Cardiology, Respiratory, Acute Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Gastroenterology, Haematology, Geriatric Medicine, Palliative Medicine.
- Anaesthesia, Surgery, Critical Care and Renal Division – specialties include Intensive Care, Renal, Anaesthetics, Vascular Surgery, Burns and Plastics Surgery, General Surgery, Breast Surgery, Breast Radiology, Endocrinology & Transplant Surgery.
- Neurosciences and Musculoskeletal Division – Stroke, Neurosurgery, Spines, Pain, Elective Orthopaedics, Trauma, Neurology, Rheumatology, Neuropsychiatry, Neurophysiology, Bristol Centre for Enablement, Neuropathology, Rehabilitation Medicine.
- Women and Children’s Health Division – Neonatal Intensive Care, Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
- Core Clinical Services Division – Radiology, Histopathology, Microbiology, Clinical Biochemistry.
Support Roles

Support Roles
×Our Operational Estates and Facilities team provide essential support services to ensure the smooth running of our services, with over 900 staff working across a range of specialties and job roles.
Roles include:
- Catering roles
- Domestic Operatives (Cleaner)
- Porting Operative (Porter)
- Housekeeper
- Receipt and Distribution Assistants
- Materials Management Assistants
Healthcare Science & Pharmacy

Healthcare Science & Pharmacy
×Our pioneering Healthcare Science and Pharmacy teams provide an excellent service to innovative care within the Trust.
Roles include:
Pharmacy Team.
Pathology Team.
Healthcare Scientists.
Cardiac Physiologists.
Severn Pathology, based at Southmead Hospital, aims to provide a best in class, high quality, innovative, value for money pathology service that serves the needs of the healthcare market in the South-West region. The multi-million pound, four storey building houses NBT’s cellular pathology, neuropathology, genetics and microbiology services and is part of the Science Quarter, which brings together NBT, UK Health Security Agency and the University of Bristol.
We also host dedicated dispensary and clinical pharmacy teams in our award-winning Brunel building, optimising the use of medication to promote the health, wellness and disease prevention of patients.
Administration & Corporate

Administration & Corporate
×Our dedicated professionals in a wide range of administration and corporate roles enable our Trust to provide the best care possible for our patients and wider health and care services.
Roles include:
Medical Secretaries.
IT Support Engineers.
Information Analysts.
Clinical Coders.
Finance roles.
HR and Recruitment roles.
Communications roles.
Senior Leadership

Senior Leadership
×Our vision is to realise the great potential of our organisation by empowering our skilled and caring staff to deliver high-quality, financially sustainable services in state-of-the-art facilities. Clinical outcomes will be excellent and with a spirit of openness and candour, we will ensure an outstanding experience for our patients.
In our most recent CQC inspection, our Trust was rated as “Good”, a major benchmark of high quality and effective services. Crucially, the Trust’s approach to caring for patients was rated Outstanding, as was the way our organisation is led. Of the 37 domains inspected on this occasion, which make up the Trust’s overall rating, 31 were either rated as Good or Outstanding.
We are proud of our leaders, working in a wide range of roles and specialties to ensure we deliver outstanding patient care across our Trust. At North Bristol NHS Trust, we value all people as individuals. We are an anti-discriminatory organisation and are committed to building a team that represents a variety of backgrounds, perspectives and skills. We strive to be truly inclusive.
We also work closely partner organisations across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) as part of the Healthier Together BNSSG Integrated Care Board to ensure we realise the opportunities which come from working across the wider health and care system.

×We are proud to deliver clinical apprenticeship training and education through our partnership with the South West Association of Training Providers (SWATPro), as well as non-clinical apprenticeships training under our own Apprenticeship Centre, which has been awarded the Matrix Accreditation, in recognition of the high-quality information, advice and guidance they offer.
Work Experience

Work Experience
×We work closely with local schools and colleges to provide opportunities for young people to gain knowledge and experience of different roles and raise awareness of career options and job opportunities within the NHS.
There are over 350 potential career options in healthcare and opportunities for work experience include clinical and administrative areas, allowing participants to learn about working in the NHS, develop new skills, learn about their strengths and weaknesses and increase their confidence.
Temporary Bank Roles - NBT eXtra

Temporary Bank Roles - NBT eXtra
×Are you looking for a flexible job with great pay rates? Welcome to NBTeXtra!
NBT eXtra works within our Trust to fill temporary gaps in the workforce with existing staff or through trusted external suppliers.
Being part of our bank allows healthcare professionals to adjust their shift patterns to better fit their lifestyle. Our shifts can be booked up to six weeks in advance, or at late notice, and can suit your childcare arrangements or your substantive position with us.
Upcoming events and key contacts

Upcoming events and key contacts
×Our Trust hosts internal events where you can meet representatives to find out more about working life and opportunities within the Trust. We also attend external events, both locally and nationally.
Life in Bristol & Beyond
Bristol benefits text
North Bristol NHS Trust is based in the Northern outskirts of Bristol. We’re proud to be part of this vibrant, busy city and its wealth of opportunities. As the 8th largest city in the UK, it is excitingly diverse and has a wide choice of shops, bars and restaurants as well as an impressive cultural scene and a number of restful green spaces and parks.
As well as a thriving city centre, Bristol is surrounded by beautiful countryside. It is a fantastic place to live if you love being in nature. We are temptingly near to the Cotswolds and Mendips, and within easy reach of the coast.
Although Bristol has everything you could ever need, it is impressively connected. Jet off on holiday from Bristol airport, head into London in little more than an hour (68 minutes to be exact) or enjoy a few nights away in the South West or Wales – both of which are enviously close to Bristol.
Planetarium, #WeTheCurious

Bristol Cathedral

Balloon Festival over Clifton Suspension Bridge

Bristol’s famous colourful terraces

NBT Cares


×We're thoughtful and empathetic

We're thoughtful, showing compassion and kindness to others.
- We offer to help our colleagues.
- We don’t wait to be asked.
- We don’t ignore signs of distress in others.
We’re empathetic and recognise that sometimes we just need to listen
- We recognise we can’t always solve every problem.
- We listen to understand.
- We understand that our priorities aren’t always those of others.
- We don’t always jump to solutions when all somebody wants is to be heard.
- We don’t draw conclusions before we understand.

×We're determined, embrace new opportunities and are constantly developing

We’re enthusiastic and determined to succeed
- We persevere even when there are setbacks.
- We don’t give up at the first hurdle.
We’re constantly growing and developing, individually and together
- We value our potential and find the time to develop our skills, individually and collectively.
- We appreciate constructive feedback and seek it out.
- We don’t treat development as an ‘extra’ or ‘nice to have’.
- We don’t see constructive feedback as criticism.
We embrace new opportunities and are always looking for better
- We constantly look to improve how things work.
- We’re not stuck in our ways or afraid of trying new things.

×We're sincere, listen and speak up

We’re polite and sincere and show humility
- We say thank you and mean it and acknowledge when we’re wrong.
- We’re not rude or arrogant; or afraid to admit mistakes.
We take time to listen and are open minded and curious
- We’re genuinely interested and recognise that we all have something to contribute.
- When spoken to, we very clearly give our full and undivided attention.
- We don’t pretend to listen because we think we already know it all.
- We don’t interrupt or get impatient with others.
We’re honest with one another and speak up
- We talk things through and are honest about any concerns.
- We recognise our responsibility to speak up about issues that affect physical, emotional and psychological safety.
- We don’t let issues fester.
- We don’t keep quiet when safety is compromised.

×We're open, encourage one another, act as a team, and deliver

We encourage one another, especially when times are tough
- We do and say the little things that can put a spring in the step.
- We give encouragement to show we care about each other.
- We don’t blame one another when things go wrong.
- We don’t appear disinterested or disengaged.
We’re open, sharing problems and information
- We’re generous in what we share, recognising that others can help.
- We seek out opportunities to include and engage.
- We don’t withhold information just to hold control of power.
We act as a team, showing adaptability and flexibility
- We go out of our way to support others, recognising that they would do the same for us.
- We feel good about offering and receiving help.
- We don’t only measure success through individual achievements.
- We don’t view accepting help as a sign of weakness, neither do we offer help to diminish others.
We do what we say we’ll do so that we can all deliver
- We are clear when we commit to something and are realistic about what we can achieve.
- We expect the same from others, relying on their commitment to deliver.
- We don’t over promise and under deliver.
- We don’t duplicate work that others have committed to do.