Standing Orders

North Bristol NHS Trust Standing Orders, including Standing Financial Instructions, Schedule of Reservations of Powers and Scheme of Delegated Authorities.

NHS Trusts are required by law to make Standing Orders (SOs), which regulate the way in which the proceedings and business of the Trust will be conducted.

High standards of corporate and personal conduct are essential in the NHS. These “extended” Standing Orders, incorporating the Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs), Schedule of Reservations of Powers (SRP) and Scheme of Delegated Authorities (SoDA) identify who in the Trust is authorised to do what.

  • The consolidated document provides a single source of the key rules under which the Trust is managed and governed.
  • The regulations which determine the way that the Trust Board operates and the Trust is governed are spelt out in the Standing Orders.
  • Financial responsibilities and authorities are described in the SFIs and SoDA
  • All employees of the Trust need to be aware of their responsibilities and authorities described in this document.
