Urology One Stop Clinic

The aim of this page is to answer any questions you may have about the Urology One Stop Clinic. There is also a patient information leaflet 

The Urology One Stop clinic has been set up to provide a more efficient service for patients referred to urology.  The aim is to have a clinical consultation and important diagnostic tests done at one visit.  The clinic also brings together members of the multidisciplinary team (doctors, specialist nurses, radiographers) to provide best care for our patients.

At the clinic you will be seen in clinic by a urology consultant, registrar, clinical fellow or specialist nurse.  You may also see a radiographer.

Before you appointment you may be sent some leaflets or paperwork to fill in prior to the clinic, the team will contact you if this is the case by telephone or post to explain what is required of you, it is important to read any leaflets and complete the paperwork so that we have all the information when you attend the clinic. 

You may be asked to attend your GP for a blood test or a urine sample before the clinic, it is important to get this done as it will help to diagnose your problem.

You will see the urology doctor at the time of your appointment but you may be required to go for further investigations, such as ultrasound, CT scans or MRI scans and these may be later in the morning or early afternoon.  Should you require a CT scan you will be advised at the time of your morning clinic appointment to drink 1 litre of water before the CT appointment and have nothing else to drink or eat 4 hours before the CT scan.  We will try and get all investigations done on one day, but on occasions, we may have to ask you to come back on a different day for further investigations.

Please bring anything to clinic that will help us to understand your problem better. For example a list of your current medication prescribed by your GP and any medications you have bought yourself such as herbal remedies.  If you are being referred from another hospital, please bring any relevant correspondence.

In order for us to try and diagnose your problem on the day of the clinic you may need to undergo a few tests during the clinic visit.  Most people that attend the clinic will be asked to provide a urine sample on their arrival in the clinic.  Below is a list of additional tests that you may undergo during your clinic visit.  Further information about these tests are detailed in the patient information leaflet - link above. 

  • Urine test:  this will be required during the clinic, the nurses will ask you when they require it.  Please do not pass urine without asking the nurses if they need a sample first.

  • Blood tests: it may be necessary to take some additional blood tests

  • Flow rate: this is a test which measures the rate of your urinary flow.  You will need to have a full bladder and will be asked to pass water into a special machine.  It is not advised that you attend the clinic with a full bladder but it may be required while you are in the clinic.

  • Patient questionnaire about urinary symptoms: You may be asked to fill in a questionnaire about how bothered you are by urinary symptoms.

  • Flexible cystoscopy: This is a telescopic examination of the bladder.  A small flexible scope is passed through the urethra (water pipe) and the bladder is filled with water to allow the doctor to examine the lining of the bladder. 

  • Ultrasound: An ultrasound scan is a painless test that that uses sound waves to create images of organs and structures inside your body.  You will be given instructions about appointment times and how to get to the radiology department where these scans are carried out. 

  • X rays: X rays are a type of high energy radiation.  They are used to diagnose problems such as kidney stones.  You will be given instructions about how to get to the radiology department where these scans are carried out. 

  • CT scan: A CT scanner is a special kind of X ray machine. Instead of sending out a single X ray through your body, several beams are sent at the same time from different angles.  They allow doctors to view images of the internal structures of your body.  They do not hurt.  Patients who have visible blood in their urine may have a CT scan in the afternoon of their one stop appointment.  These patients will be advised to drink 1 litre of water 1 hour before the appointment time but have nothing else to eat or drink (except the water) for 4 hours before the appointment time.  Depending on the clinical circumstances, you may be asked to come back for a CT on a different day.  .  You will be given instructions about appointment times and how to get to the radiology department where these scans are carried out. 

  • MRI scan: An MRI scanner is a large magnet and creates images for the doctors to view looking in detail at your internal anatomy.  Patients who attend the one stop clinic where there is a possible diagnosis of prostate cancer may have an MRI scan in the afternoon after their morning one stop clinic appointment.  The doctor who requests the MRI will ask you specific questions about whether you have any metal implants in your body.  The MRI doesn’t hurt but some patients find it noisy.  Depending on the clinical circumstances, you may be asked to come back for an MRI on a different day.  You will be given instructions about appointment times and how to get to the radiology department where these scans are carried out. 

  • Prostate biopsy: A number of patients who have had an MRI prostate organised at their one stop appointment may undergo a prostate biopsy on a different day.  A prostate biopsy is where small samples of prostate tissue are taken from your prostate gland to be examined under a microscope.  This is carried out when there is a suspicion of prostate cancer.  The biopsies are carried out in most cases after an MRI has been performed so that any suspicious areas can be targeted.  The prostate is accessed through the rectum (trans rectal) or through the perineum (the area behind the testicles).  You will either be informed about which approach is more suitable for you either at the clinic appointment or when you are contacted with the MRI results.  You will be given a prescription for antibiotics to take 2 hours before the procedure.

We try to see people within 2 to 3 weeks of receiving a referral letter if your GP is concerned about a possible cancer diagnosis.  We try and see all patients within 6-8 weeks of referral. Please remember that you must be referred by your GP.  We are not able to accept self-referrals.

If you are booked for surgery, you may be asked to attend one of our pre assessment clinics. This is designed to streamline your admission by making sure that you are medically fit for the procedure.  You may be asked to have an ECG (heart trace), blood tests and X rays. You will be informed of any follow up investigations or appointments which follow the initial one stop clinic consultation. 


Support BUI

We need your support to help give more people in Bristol and the South West the very best urological care here at the BUI. We are part of Southmead Hospital Charity and there are a number of ways you can help. Visit their website www.southmeadhospitalcharity.org.uk