Referrals & Funding

NHS Treatment

A referral from your GP or hospital doctor is required for all NHS patients.

There is no routine funding for laser treatment, except for children with birthmarks and a few exceptions such as patients with burns scarring. If you wish to be considered for NHS treatment, please see your GP to discuss whether you might be eligible.

In most cases your GP will have to apply on your behalf to the Exceptional Funding Panel in your local area. Consideration may be given to patients with large facial birthmarks, medical problems such as open wounds, bleeding lesions or other unusually severe conditions. 

Self-funded Treatment

If you are not eligible for NHS funding, you can choose to self-fund your laser treatment. An initial appointment at the Bristol Laser Centre with a specialist doctor costs £120. We offer a sensitive, personal, honest approach to your laser treatment needs.

All laser treatments at the Bristol Laser Centre are performed by doctors and nurses who have received specialist training in skin laser treatment.

A referral is not needed for self-funding patients over 16 years of age. Patients seeking self-funded treatment can contact Bristol Laser Centre or phone us directly on 0117 4141212 to arrange an appointment.

In some circumstances we may request information from your GP, for example if you have any medical history that may influence laser treatment.

We require a referral letter for all children under 16 years old.

>> Contact Bristol Laser Centre

Contact Bristol Laser Centre

If you are already attending the Laser Centre, please phone 0117 414 1212.

If you are a new patient, would like to get on our waiting list, or have any queries please use our Contact form or phone us on 0117 414 1212.



From the moment I arrived at Bristol Laser Centre I was made to feel completely at ease and never once felt embarrassed, all the staff are caring and professional, and I now wonder why I had spent so many years in turmoil.


Referrals & Funding