Thornbury Outpatient Clinic
St Mary Centre
9 Mary Street
BS35 2AB
United Kingdom
Visiting times
Thornbury Outpatient Clinic is not a walk-in centre, appointments are made via GP referral only. Visiting times do not apply.

Telephone: 01454 415 750
Outpatient and community midwifery appointments, previously provided from Thornbury Hospital.
Travel information
By Road
From M5 South
- Leave at Junction 16, taking the A38 north for approximately six miles.
- At the third set of traffic lights, next to the Alveston House Hotel and Berkeley Motors, turn left, taking the B4061 into Thornbury.
- Follow the B4061 down the hill, over the mini roundabout and through Thornbury High Street where parking is available either in Castle Court car park, or ‘on-street’ in the bays provided.
- Alternatively take the second exit on the first mini roundabout before entering the High Street and the first exit on the following two mini roundabouts.
- It is then possible to turn left into Chapel Street and then right into St Mary Street to access the St Mary Street car park.
- The other option is to pass the entrance to Chapel Street and turn right into Bath Road, which will bring you to the entrance of Rock Street car park on the left.
From M5 North
- Leave at Junction 14, taking the A38 south for approximately two miles.
- Turn right onto the B4061, into Thornbury.
- Continue on the B4061 and follow it until you reach a mini roundabout, where you will see the Royal George public house on the right.
- Taking the second exit on the mini roundabout will take you past ‘The Pump’ monument on your right and into Thornbury High Street, where parking is available in Castle Court car park, or ‘on-street’ in the bays provided.
- Alternatively you can choose to take the first exit on the mini roundabout, which will take you into Quaker Lane, and then Rock Street, where shortly after the pelican crossing the entrance to Bath Road and Rock Street car park can be found.
- Alternatively it is possible to pass the entrance to Bath Road, but choose to turn left into Chapel Street and then right into St Mary Street to access the St Mary Street car park.
By Bus
For information on travelling by Bus to Thornbury Outpatient Clinic:
By Bicycle
The St Mary Centre has two separate cycle parking areas, where bicycles can be locked to metal cycle stands. One of these is located near to the entrance of Aldi, and the other at the northern end of the pedestrian section of St Mary Street. Dismounted bicycles can also be pushed through the St Mary Centre.
The St Mary Centre is also on Route 410, otherwise popularly known as the Avon Cycleway. Route 410, also links to other popular national cycle routes. You can find out more by visiting the Avon Cycleway website.
Parking information
There are 3 local car parks with free parking:
Rock Street Car Park - Bath Rd, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 2FH
Short stay – 2 hours (between 8am – 6pm)
Long stay – 12 hours
Castle Court Car Park - 35 Castle Ct, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 2BQ
Short stay – 2 hours (between 8am – 6pm)
Long stay – 12 hours
St Mary Street Car Park - 24 St Mary St, Thornbury, Bristol BS35 2AT
Short stay – 2 hours
Plan Your Journey
Discover your best options for travelling to our hospitals. The journey planner provides the walking, cycling and public transport options available to you.