Autism awareness week at NBT


This week we are marking world autism awareness week at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT).

Our aim is to increase everyone’s understanding of the specific, often hidden sensory and communication needs experienced by people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

NBT apprentice Sophie Evans has made the above video and you can also read her blog about what it's like to be autistic and work at NBT.

This will be shown tomorrow alongside an autism information stall based all week beside the Sanctuary in the Brunel building.

A workshop is also being held for staff today and all staff are being requested to complete a new training module.

Later in the week we will publish a video about the ongoing work in our Emergency Department to better identify the specfifc needs of patients and put in place reasonable adjustments to their care.

NBT Chief Executive Andrea Young said:

“Providing more responsive care for people with learning disabilities, autism or both is one of our key priorities.

“We’ve already had lots of feedback from patients, carers and family members on how we can better identify people’s needs and put in place reasonable adjustments to care.

“This includes improving signage, making information available in easy read, having quiet spaces, listening carefully, and working more closely with carers and families.

“We are committed to getting our care and services right for every individual, as our values say, to recognise the person and to strive for excellence.

“I know many teams have already taken big steps in this direction, but we should ensure every part of our service works for patients, whatever their needs.

“This is a two way process as we have so much to gain in increasing our understanding and getting it right.”

An NBT Learning Disability and Autism Improvement steering group is now established, chaired by the Director of Nursing and Quality, to drive this work forward.