Celebrating our internationally educated nursing staff

A group of male and female nurses, some in uniform, some not, smiling and celebrating

This week North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) held a celebratory event to thank those internationally educated members of our NBT family who have recently progressed into senior nursing roles. We recognised the contribution of these individuals and the wealth of experience each of them have brought to NBT.

This event was a fantastic opportunity to hear about the support and encouragement these staff members have received from colleagues, as well as to learn how we can enhance our induction and development for future international recruits. Between April and December, in collaboration with NHS England & Improvement, NBT has committed to recruiting 100 internationally educated nursing staff, and these individuals who have secured promotions act as great role models for their colleagues.

North Bristol NHS Trust’s Chief Nursing Officer, Prof. Steve Hams, said; “At NBT we are proud of our commitment to both international recruitment and the development of all our staff within the Trust, offering leadership training and introducing an ADAPT programme to support staff moving to work in different areas and job roles. Events like this are just one way in which we can say thank you to our internationally educated staff members, and to show our support as they aspire to continuous progression, leading the way for others.”