Department of Health approves Appointment Business Case for new super-hospital

All quotes attributable to Sonia Mills, Chief Executive
North Bristol NHS Trust heard earlier this week the excellent news that the Department of Health and Treasury have approved the Appointment Business Case for the development of the new PFI super-hospital at Southmead.
This means that Carillion - the developer chosen by North Bristol NHS Trust earlier this year to design and build the new facilities - can progress work to seek funds from investment banks or other sources in the City. Early indications suggest this work is progressing well.
This financing work is the final stage of the project before the new super-hospital really starts to become a reality. Department of Health final sign-off is needed to approve the financing result only.
This approval comes after Bristol City Council endorsed plans for the new super-hospital last month.
We remain on schedule for the contract to be signed in February 2010 after which work can start on building the main body of the hospital.
Much work is being undertaken on the Southmead site in order to clear the area where the new hospital will be built. Staff are in the process of moving into the new Pathology Sciences and Learning & Research buildings and these will be fully up-and-running by the end of the year.
Our new Data Centre was officially opened last month. This will house the IT systems needed to power the new hospital.
In addition, temporary accommodation for catering, pharmacy and radiology has started to arrive on site.
Exciting times are ahead. To keep up with the latest developments please visit our website