National role appointment in Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious Care

Brenda Dowie

Spiritual and Pastoral Care Team Leaders & Bereavement Services Manager, Brenda Dowie, has been appointed to a national role in the Network for Pastoral, Spiritual and Religious Care in Health.

The aim of the network is to promote and support high-quality, person-centred, pastoral, spiritual, and religious care in healthcare.

The appointment to this Network Council role is testament to Brenda’s excellence in valuing diversity of faith and ensuring an equitable approach in North Bristol NHS Trust, as well as taking her experience and approach into the national arena. 

Brenda said: "I’m delighted to have been appointed to be a representative on this multi-faith network.

"Our role in healthcare is so important to patients and their families and it's good to be part of a network whose focus is all about how we can all work together to best do this across our country."