Southmead Hospital

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Southmead Hospital's Antenatal Clinic Manager, Cathy Poole, receives her RSV vaccination into her right arm.

Lifesaving RSV vaccine rolled out to maternity patients at North Bristol NHS Trust

Hundreds of babies due to be born at North Bristol NHS Trust have recently been protected against RSV, thanks to the launch of a new lifesaving NHS vaccination programme. Since the Trust began vaccinating pregnant women and birthing people against...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Help to see if we can protect people against symptoms caused by the norovirus stomach bug with an investigational mRNA vaccine

Researchers at Southmead Hospital in Bristol, which is run by North Bristol NHS Trust, are recruiting people to take part in a clinical trial to see if an investigational vaccine (a vaccine that is being studied) may be able to protect people 18...
Photograph of Catherine, Pharmacist at Southmead Hospital

My Experience as a Trainee Pharmacist at Southmead Hospital

We’re pleased to share that all our Foundation Pharmacists from the 2023/24 intake passed their registration exams, with three of them remaining with us here at NBT. Hear all about Catherine’s experience as a Foundation Pharmacist at Southmead...
Diversity hands

Black History Month 2024: 'Yes You Can' programme

The 'Yes You Can' project is about celebrating the diverse career journeys of our Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority staff as part of Black History Month 2024. We asked staff from a Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority background in senior roles at NBT to...
The earth with people holding hands.

North Bristol NHS Trust to celebrate National Inter Faith Week 2024

We will be celebrating National Inter Faith Week from 11 to 15 November at Southmead Hospital. This will be an opportunity to take part in a celebration of religious and cultural diversity. The event will shine a spotlight on the values of...
A large group of people, some in scrubs of varying colours, stand, smiling, outside a building with the sign "Bristol Breast Care Centre" above them

10 years of Bristol Breast Care Centre

It is 10 years since the Bristol Breast Care Centre opened its doors to its first patients. Historic Beaufort House at Southmead Hospital was refurbished to create the centre, which opened in 2014 bringing all breast care clinics under one roof...
Learning & research centre

NBT First NHS Trust to Sign Sustainability in Research and Innovation Concordat

North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) has become the first NHS Trust to sign the Concordat for the Environmental Sustainability of Research and Innovation Practice. Developed by the UK research and innovation sector, the voluntary concordat ‘represents a...
Brunel Hospital

Roadworks around Southmead Hospital

There will be a full road closure affecting Dorian Road on Sunday 3 November between 7am and 12 midday. The purpose of the closure is for Bristol City Council to address the condition of the road surface on the boundary of the site along Dorian Road...
Photo of the flower garden next to Southmead Hospital

Our Annual Staff Awards 2024

On Friday 11 November, we held our Annual Staff Awards, and it was a fantastic evening of joy and celebration with examples of some of the wonderful work that has taken place over the last year by our incredible staff and volunteers. With 300 people...
Artist impression of a grey building with trees around it

Notice of roadworks on Monks Park Avenue from Monday 14 October

As part of the latest phase of work on Southmead Hospital’s new Elective Centre, there will be roadworks on Monks Park Avenue from Monday, 14 October to Monday, 4 November. This will involve the road being reduced to one lane for a short stretch near...