If you are between 50 and 70 years old you will receive an appointment once every 3 years, inviting you to have a breast screening mammogram. You do not have to contact us to make an appointment, we will ensure that you receive your invitation at the appropriate time.
The screening programme also offers women over 70 a free breast screen every 3 years. Women over 70 will not be sent an invitation but are encouraged to call the unit on 0117 414 7070 to make an appointment that suits them.
If it has been over three years since your last breast screening appointment then please contact us.
Please note: screening is strictly by appointment only.

We have a range of different locations where you can be screened and a range of appointment dates and times. We try to invite you to a screening clinic that is convenient for most women in your GP practice but we appreciate that this may not always suit you.
When you receive your invitation letter you will see that we have already allocated you a specific screening location, appointment date and time. If you find this appointment inconvenient then please contact us so we can arrange an alternative location, date or time.
Screening takes place at our static unit in Bristol City Centre or at one of the mobile units. The mobile units move around the area staying at each site for a few months. You will normally be invited to a location within the area of your GP’s surgery.
If you have difficulty in climbing up steps and have been invited to a mobile unit, please contact the Screening Office on 0117 4147070 and they will rearrange an appointment for you at one of the static units.
When we Screen
Screening is organised according to your GP practice. Once every 3 years your GP practice will be contacted and all women eligible for screening will be invited.
For women aged 50 – 70, you do not have to contact us to make an appointment; we will ensure that you receive your invitation at the appropriate time.
For women over 70, you will not be sent an invitation but are encouraged to call the unit to make an appointment that suits you. Screening should take place every 3 years.
Can I arrange my appointment nearer my place of work?
Yes, we have a number of screening sites. Please contact the screening unit using the change your appointment form and we will arrange a new appointment for you. If none of these sites are convenient for your place of work, please contact us.
Can I change the date and time of my appointment?
Yes, please complete the change your appointment form to alter the date, time or location of your screening appointment. Alternatively, contact us.
I don’t want to be screened, what do I do?
We respect your decision not to be screened, although we would encourage all women to attend for breast screening when invited. However if you choose not to take up your invitation please contact the screening office so your appointment is not wasted.
If you change your mind at any point in the future please contact us. We will be happy to make you another appointment.
I have been invited to have a mammogram, but I have had a mammogram within the last year, do I still need to come?
We will not be able to screen you if you have had a mammogram within the last 6 months.
I have been screened elsewhere shall I still keep my screening appointment?
Please contact us for advice on whether you should attend for this screening appointment.
I have moved house what happens to my screening appointment?
If you have notified your practice of your new address you will be invited for screening when your practice is invited. If this is likely to be over three years since your last invitation you will be invited separately from your practice to ensure you are screened on time.
If you have moved house and fear you may have missed a screening appointment please contact us.
I missed my appointment how do I get another one?
Please contact the screening unit using the change your appointment form and we will arrange a new appointment for you. If you prefer you can telephone the office and we will be happy to make you another appointment.
Why have I been sent to a different site this time?
From time to time screening locations can change due to availability. If the site you have been called to is not convenient you can change your appointment or telephone us.
Contact Avon Breast Screening
Bristol Breast Care Centre
Beaufort House
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB
Telephone: 0117 4147070
Email: abs@nbt.nhs.uk
Breast Screening Appointments
If you have received an appointment but it is not convenient, you can change your appointment or contact us on 0117 4147070 to request an alternative location, date or time.
Breast Screening Appointments
Not every woman will receive an appointment as soon as she is 50. You will receive your first appointment before your 53rd birthday and therefore there is no need to contact us for an appointment.
Request an Appointment
If you are over 70 and have not been screened for over 3 years you are welcome to request an appointment or contact us on 0117 4147070 for an appointment.