Do you look after someone who could not manage without that support?
A carer is someone who provides unpaid help and support to another person who could not manage without their help. A carer may be a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour. A carer is not necessarily the closest relative of a patient or their next of kin. Carers can be of all ages and situations; many balance their caring role with work, training and childcare; many care for someone who does not live in the same house and may travel some distance to care.
A carer often does not realise they are a carer and can struggle to tell someone they are finding it difficult to cope.
View an information leaflet on the help that's available to you from Carers Support Centre.
Your right to an assessment of your needs
A carers’ assessment is an assessment of the carers’ needs and considers not only what care the carer provides, but also the physical and psychological impact it has on them.
The assessment also looks at what help and support the carer is entitled to so that they can better continue in their caring role.
You can find more information at
The Carers Emergency Card can ensure the safety of the person you care for if you have an accident or emergency.
Carers Liaison Service
If you would like support while the person you care for is in hospital please contact:
Sam Radford
Telephone: 07557418692
Your Rights & Entitlements as a Carer
As a carer there are many entitlements that you may be eligible for but not already accessing. If you would like any further information about what you are entitled to as a carer please contact Carers Support Centre on 0117 965 2200.