Maternity Services Team

Divisional Director of Midwifery and Nursing

Julie Northrop

Deputy Divisional Directors of Midwifery and Nursing

Diane Dorrington

Jodie Da Rosa

Clinical Director

Jane Mears 

Divisional Operations Director

Claire Weatherall

General Manager - Maternity

Louise Wallace

General Manager - Gynaecology & NICU

Kirsty Pinner

Consultant Obstetricians

For more information on our Consultants visit

Clinical Matrons

Central Delivery Suite and Inpatient Services
Nicola Chinnock

General Infertility, Gynaecology Inpatients and Outpatients
Rosie Malins

Community Midwifery Services
Margaret Smith

Antenatal Clinic, Fetal Medicine & Screening and Cedar Team
Bonny Hetherington

Mendip Birth centre, Home Birth, Percy Phillips 
Yvonne Bishop

Continuous Improvement and Learning Team
Jessie Peplar and Ruth Gregory

Divisional Recruitment and Retention Lead 
Liz Haines


Community Pearl Team
Gaynor Jackson

Community Lilac Team
Libby Hutchison

Community Jade Team
Beth Connelly

Antenatal Clinic

Catherine Poole

Quantock Ward and Quantock Assessment Unit
Carli Bleaken and Lisa Redmayne

Percy Phillips Ward
Rachel Cox

Cotswold Ward
Nicola Carey

Community Blue Team
Hayley Scull

Community Green Team
Vanessa Lanham-Cook

Community Indigo Team
Monica Carter

Community Orange Team
Bethany Roswell

Community Pink Team
Tracy Wharrier

Community Red Team
Nicola Kettle

Community Yellow Team
Eloise Alexander

Mendip Birth Centre and Transitional care 
Beth Thornley and Beth Connelly

Specialist Midwives

Service User Experience and Engagement Leads 
Hayley Forbes

Infant feeding Midwife
Marion Copeland

Screening Coordinator
Aimee Yendle

Fetal Medicine Leads
Julie Wormell and Zoe Dorgan

Bereavement Midwives
Stephanie Evans and Emily Arnold

Complex Care Midwives
Sharon Cohen, Stephanie Miller and Lauren Birchall

Perinatal Specialist Midwives
Gemma Cole and Caroline Oates

Birth Afterthoughts Midwife 
Sarah Brooks

Named Midwife for Safeguarding
Jessica Harrison