- Respiratory Consultants
- Abdel-FattahMr Sherif Abdel-Fattah - Obstetrics & Fetal Medicine
- AbhinavMr Kumar Abhinav - Neurosurgery, Spines & Pain
- AbramsProfessor Paul Abrams - Urology
- AcharyaMr Mehool Acharya - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- AdamaliDr Huzaifa Adamali - Respiratory Medicine
- AdamsDr Nicholas Adams - Emergency Medicine
- AinsworthMiss Rachel Ainsworth - Breast Surgery
- AkandeMr Valentine A Akande - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- AlamDr Shirjel Alam - Medicine
- AlbuheissiMr Salah Albuheissi - Urology
- AlburDr Mahableshwar Albur - Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
- AlgeoMr Michael Algeo - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- AliDr Noor Ali - Radiology
- AliagaDr Elizabeth Aliaga - Pathology
- Alves RosaDr Joao Alves Rosa - Neuroradiology
- AmarasingheDr Kavita Amarasinghe - Histopathology
- AndersonDr Karen Anderson - Renal
- AngusDr Janet Angus - Dermatology
- AningMr Jonathan Aning - Urology
- AppleyardMiss Tracy-Louise Appleyard - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- ArcherDr Hilary Archer - Neurology
- ArmitageDr Alison Armitage - Renal
- ArvindMr Nitin Arvind - General Surgery
- AshidaDr Reiko Ashida - Neurosurgery, Spines & Pain
- AtanDr Denize Atan - Neuropathology
- AudrainDr Helen Audrain - Dermatology
- AwadMr Karim Awad - Urology
- AyersMr Dominic Ayers - Plastic Surgery
- AzizDr Shahid Aziz - Cardiology
- BaileyDr Sarah-Jane Bailey - Medicine
- BakerDr Beate Baker - Pathology
- BakerMr Richard Baker - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- BallisatDr Ben Ballisat - Anaesthesia
- BamberDr Andrew Bamber - Pathology
- BanuDr Nahida Banu - Cellular Pathology
- BarnesDr Shelley Barnes - Neurosurgery, Spines & Pain
- BarnfieldDr Sonia Barnfield - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- BarrattDr Shaney Barratt - Respiratory Medicine
- BaruaMr Neil Barua - Neurosurgery
- BatesDr Timothy Bates - Pathology
- BeaversDr Sophie Beavers - Pathology
- BeckittMr Tim Beckitt - Vascular Surgery
- BennettoDr Luke Bennetto - Neurology
- BericDr Verka Beric - Neuroradiology
- BernsteinDr Laura Bernstein - Palliative Medicine
- BevisMr Paul Bevis - Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
- BhatnagarDr Rahul Bhatnagar - Respiratory Medicine
- BhattDr Nidhi Bhatt - Cellular Pathology
- BibbyDr Anna Bibby - Respiratory Medicine
- BickMr Simon Bick - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- BilletopDr Amiel Billetop - NICU
- BiswasDr Jason Biswas - Microbiology
- BlackhamDr Julian Blackham - Emergency Medicine
- BlucherMiss Nicola Blucher - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- BlundellDr Nick Blundell - Emergency Medicine
- BolomytisMr Stefanos Bolomytis - Urology
- BondDr Cressida Bond - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Bonnici MalliaDr Michael Bonnici Mallia - Imaging
- BorehamDr Philip Boreham - Cardiology
- BosnellDr Rose Bosnell - Neurology and Stroke
- BottDr Alasdair Bott - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- BradleyDr Marcus Bradley - Neuroradiology
- Branford WhiteDr Harriet Branford White - Plastic Surgery
- BraudeDr Philip Braude - Medicine
- BrayDr Adam Bray - Dermatology
- BrighamDr Anitia Brigham - Palliative Medicine
- BrightDr Philip Bright - Clinical Immunology
- BrooksMr Marcus Brooks - Vascular Surgery
- BrownDr Julian Brown - Anaesthetics
- BuddhaDr Sandeep Buddha - Stroke Medicine
- BurdenMiss Helena Burden - Urology
- BurrowsDr Lorna Burrows - Anaesthetics
- BurtDr Helen Burt - Clinical Radiology
- BurtMrs Caroline Burt - Colorectal Surgery
- BurtonDr Christopher Burton - Clinical Governance Medical
- BushnellDr James Bushnell - Renal
- CameronDr James Cameron - Emergency Medicine
- CampbellDr Helen Campbell - Renal Medicine
- CanhamDr Luke Canham - Neurology
- CareyDr Anthony Carey - Anaesthetics
- CarsonDr Naomi Carson - Pathology
- CarverDr Emma Carver - Medicine
- CaskeyDr Fergus Caskey - Renal
- ChambersMiss Alice Chambers - Breast Surgery
- ChandratreyaDr Ladli Chandratreya - Radiology
- ChapmanMr Thomas Chapman - Plastic Surgery
- CharalambidesDr Constantinos Charalambides - Neurosurgery
- ChatzitoliosDr Anastasios Chatzitolios - Cellular Pathology
- ChauDr Fong Chau - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- ChaudhuriDr Ella Chaudhuri - Acute Medicine
- ChesserMr Tim Chesser - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- CheyneDr Elizabeth Cheyne - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- ChhabraDr Gaurav Chhabra - Anaesthetics
- ChurchDr John Church - Anaesthetics
- ClancyMiss Rachel Clancy - Plastic Surgery
- ClarkDr Damian Clark - Orthopaedics
- ClarkProfessor Emma Clark - Rheumatology & Osteoporosis
- ClarkeDr Lynsey Clarke - Rheumatology
- ClatworthyDr Philip Clatworthy - Stroke
- CliveDr Amelia Clive - Respiratory Medicine
- CobleyMr Tom Cobley - Plastic Surgery
- ColavittiDr Giulia Colavitti - Plastic Surgery
- CollinDr Graham Collin - Radiology
- CollinDr Neil Collin - Radiology
- CollinsDr Kate Collins - Obstetrics
- ColstonDr Julia Colston - Microbiology
- CooperDr Reuben Cooper - Medicine
- CossburnDr Mark Cossburn - Neurology
- CottrellDr David Cottrell - Neurology
- CoulthardProfessor Elizabeth Coulthard - Neurology
- CoxDr Anthony Cox - Interventional Neuroradiology
- CreberDr Peter Creber - Respiratory Medicine
- CreesDr Amy Crees - Medicine
- CrewdsonDr Kate Crewdson - Anaesthetics
- CroftsDr Joanna Crofts - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- CrossleyDr David Crossley - Clinical Governance Operational
- CrossleyDr Robert Crossley - Neurology
- CrowtherMr Mark Crowther - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- DalyDr Richard Daly - Cellular Pathology
- DareDr Leilah Dare - Emergency Medicine
- DarleyDr Elizabeth Darley - Microbiology
- DarvayDr Amrit Darvay - Dermatology
- DarweishDr Alia Darweish - Anaesthetics
- DasGuptaDr Ishita DasGupta - Acute Internal Medicine
- DashMiss Isabella Dash - Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
- DastidarDr Amardeep Dastidar - Cardiology
- DaveyDr Anna Davey - Anaesthetics
- DaviesDr Keith Davies - Anaesthetics
- DaviesDr Michael Davies - Anaesthesia
- DaviesMr Alexander Davies - Plastic Surgery
- DavisDr Jillian Davis - Neuropathology
- DayDr Ellie Day - Emergency Medicine and Paediatric Emergency Medicine
- DayDr Fiona Day - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- DeepDr Shailendra Deep - Anaesthetics
- DelikonstantinouMr Iraklis Delikonstantinou - Plastic Surgery
- DellDr Richard Dell - Anaesthetics
- DentonDr Karin Denton - Cellular Pathology
- DevineDr Mark Devine - Medicine
- DeZoysaDr Nirosha DeZoysa - Anaesthetics
- DickersonMr David Dickerson - Urology
- DirnhuberDr Mark Dirnhuber - Anaesthetics
- DoddDr Amy Dodd - Anaesthetics
- DoddDr James Dodd - Respiratory Medicine
- DonaldDr Fiona Donald - Anaesthetics
- DragneaDr Dragos Dragnea - Anaesthetics
- DraycottProfessor Timothy Draycott - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- DuerdenDr Laura Duerden - Clinical Radiology
- Eastaugh-WaringMr Stephen Eastaugh-Waring - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- EdeyDr Anthony Edey - Radiology
- EdwardsMiss Anusha Edwards - General Surgery
- ElsayedDr Mohamed Elsayed
- EmeryDr Faith Emery - Neonatal Medicine
- EstelaMiss Catalina Estela - Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- EvansDr David Evans - Neonatal Medicine
- FarmerDr Katie Farmer - Neonatal Medicine
- FarrowDr Benedict Farrow - Cardiology
- FaulknerDr Howard Faulkner - Neurology
- FewkesDr Rachel Fewkes - Medicine
- FiddesDr Barnaby Fiddes - Neurology
- FlanaganDr Kiaran Flanagan - Medical Admissions
- FouqueDr Claire Fouque - Anaesthetics
- GallegosMr Nicholas Gallegos - Breast
- GamaleldinDr Islam Gamaleldin - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- GandhiProfessor Sanjay Gandhi - Radiology
- GbadamoshiDr Lukuman Gbadamoshi
- GeachDr Rebecca Geach - Radiology
- GiavasiDr Christina Giavasi - Neurology
- GilbertMr Hugh Gilbert - Urology
- GnanaduraiDr Roshina Gnanadurai - Medicine
- GodfreyDr Timothy Godfrey - Medicine
- GogolaDr Laisha Gogola - Medicine
- GohMr Hsing Goh - Urology
- GommDr Edward Gomm - Anaesthetics
- GompelsDr Mark Gompels - Immunology
- GoswamiDr Amit Goswami - Anaesthetics
- GovindarajuluMiss Sasirekha Govindarajulu - Breast Care
- GrahamDr Angus Graham - BIRU
- GrammatikosDr Alexandros Grammatikos - Clinical Immunology and Allergy
- GrangerDr Christopher Granger - Anaesthesia
- GrantDr Simon Grant - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- GreerDr Ruth Greer - Anaesthetics
- GrierDr Scott Grier - Anaesthetics
- GriffithDr Nia Griffith - Anaesthetics
- GriffithsDr Leonard Griffiths - Gastroenterology
- GrimshawDr Ben Grimshaw - AMU
- GroverDr Joydeep Grover - Emergency Medicine
- GunawardenaDr Harsha Gunawardena - Rheumatology
- GuoMr Shigong Guo - Bristol Centre for Enablement
- Gupta-WrightDr Ankur Gupta-Wright - General Internal Medicine
- HaldarDr Sananda Haldar - Imaging
- HalderDr Subhabrata Halder - Anaesthetics
- HamannDr Philip Hamann - Rheumatology
- HardingMr Ian Harding - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- HarperProfessor Steven Harper - Renal
- HarriesMr William Harries - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- HarrisDr Deborah Harris - Anaesthetics
- HarrisDr Rupert Harris - Anaesthetics
- HarrisMr Andrew Harris - Urology
- HashimProfessor Hashim Hashim - Urology
- HendersonMr James Henderson - Plastic Surgery
- HeppleMr Stephen Hepple - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- HewesMr James Hewes - General Surgery
- HewittDr Matthew Hewitt - Acute Internal Medicine and General Internal Medicine
- HeysDr Izak Heys - Infectious Diseases
- HigbeeDr Daniel Higbee - Respiratory
- HinchliffeProfessor Robert Hinchliffe - Vascular Surgery
- HintonDr Cameron Hinton - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- HoDr John Ho - Medical Admissions
- HodsmanDr Alexandra Hodsman - Renal
- HoggDr Susannah Hogg - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- HolderDr Kathryn Holder - Anaesthetics
- HomewoodDr Jill Homewood - Anaesthetics
- HopkinsMr James Hopkins - Upper GI Surgery
- HopsonDr Andrew Hopson - Anaesthesia
- Houston-MillettDr Raymond Houston-Millett - Emergency Medicine
- HowellDr Samuel Howell - Anaesthesia
- HowellsMr Nicholas Howells - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- HowesDr Tim Howes - Anaesthetics
- HughesDr Rhiannon Hughes - Acute Internal Medicine and General Internal Medicine
- HutchingsMiss Lynn Hutchings - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- HutchinsonMr Mervyn John Hutchinson - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- IbitoyeDr Sarah Ibitoye - Acute Internal Medicine and Perioperative Medicine
- IonDr Rachel Ion - Obstetrics
- IyerMr Venkat Iyer - Neurosurgery
- JacksonKathryn Jackson - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- JacksonMiss Philippa Jackson - Plastic Surgery
- JanssenDr Dominic Janssen - Anaesthetics
- JaringDr Matthew Jaring - Imaging
- JenkinsDr Kathryn Jenkins - Anaesthetics
- JenkinsDr Megan Jenkins - Medicine
- JeyabalanDr Abiramy Jeyabalan - Respiratory Medicine
- JobsonDr Joy Jobson - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- JohnstonDr Helen Johnston - Anaesthetics
- JohnstonDr Sarah Johnston - Immunology
- JonesDr Lyn Jones - Radiology
- JonesDr Rachel Jones - Intensive Care Medicine
- JonesDr Zoe Jones - Acute Medicine
- JordanDr Ben Jordan - Emergency Medicine
- JoughinDr Andrea Joughin - Medicine
- KahalDr Hassan Kahal - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- KamaliMr Hajeb Kamali - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- KaneDr Nicholas Kane - Neurophysiology
- KatsimihasMr Michael Katsimihas - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- KeeleyMr Francis Keeley - Urology
- KeithDr Daniel Keith - Dermatology
- KellmanDr Sophie Kellman - Liaison Psychiatry
- KellyMr Michael B Kelly - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- KempDr Helena Kemp - Biochemistry
- KhanDr Mohammed Khan - Cellular Pathology
- KhanDr Shakeeb Khan - Renal
- KhanMr Umraz Khan - Plastic Surgery
- KirkDr Lisa Kirk - Obstetrics
- KirkhamDr Lucy Kirkham - Anaesthetics
- KlepschDr Peter Klepsch - Anaesthetics
- KlepschDr Sabine Klepsch - Neurophysiology
- KlimczakDr Katherine Klimczak - Radiology
- KmonicekDr Miloslav Kmonicek - Haematology
- KopckeDr Douglas Kopcke - Imaging
- KoupparisMr Anthony Koupparis - Urology
- KrawiecDr Rebecca Krawiec - Imaging
- KrishnaDr Murli Krishna - Anaesthetics
- KurianProfessor Kathreena Kurian - Neuropathology
- LandhamMr Priyan Landham - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- LaneDr Nigel Lane - Acute Medicine
- LaurenceDr Isabel Laurence - Radiology
- LaxtonDr Christina Laxton - Anaesthetics
- LearnerDr Juliet Learner - Anaesthetics
- LeeMr Simon Lee - Plastic Surgery
- LewisDr Simon Lewis - Anaesthetics
- LikemanDr Marcus Likeman - Radiology
- LoboDr Clinton Lobo - Anaesthetics
- LockettDr Melanie Lockett - Gastroenterology
- LockeyProfessor David Lockey - Anaesthetics
- LonnenDr Kathryn Lonnen - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- Love-JonesDr Sarah Love-Jones - Anaesthetics
- LovellDr Natasha Lovell - Medicine
- LyonsMiss Ann Lyons - General Surgery
- MacKieMr Ian Mackie - Plastic Surgery
- MadhuMr Chendrimada Madhu - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- MahatmaDr Anjum Mahatma - Radiology
- MahrousMr Ahmed Mahrous - Urology
- MalcolmMr George Malcolm - Neurosurgery
- MalikDr Gauhar Malik - Stroke Medicine
- MallamDr Elizabeth Mallam - Neurology
- ManjunathMr Aditya Manjunath - Urology
- MannixDr Paul Mannix - Neonatal Medicine
- MarshDr Aidan Marsh - Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia
- MartindaleDr Sarah Martindale - Anaesthetics
- MasseyDr Helen Massey - Radiology
- MatthamsDr James Matthams - Anaesthetics
- MauriceDr James Maurice - Gastroenterology
- MayesDr Thomas Mayes - Medicine
- McCarthyMiss Kathryn McCarthy - Colorectal Surgery
- McClellandDr Sarah Beth McClelland - Stroke Medicine
- McCoubrieDr Paul McCoubrie - Radiology
- McCrackenDr Sarah McCracken - Care of the Elderly
- McDillDr Helen McDill - Respiratory Medicine
- McKinlayJayne McKinlay - Medicine
- McNairDr Angus McNair - General Surgery
- MearsDr Jane Mears - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- MedfordDr Andrew Medford - Respiratory Medicine
- MenonDr Anjali Menon - Renal
- MerrisonDr Andria Merrison - Neuromuscular
- MezesDr Peter Mezes - Radiology
- MilesDr Edward Miles - Anaesthetics
- MinaurDr Nicola Minaur - Rheumatology
- MinksDr David Minks - Interventional Neuroradiology
- MitchellDr Emma Mitchell - Medicine
- MohanDr Monica Mohan - Neuropsychiatry
- MooreDr Andrew Moore - Anaesthetics
- MoranDr Christopher Moran - Medicine
- MorganDr Nicola Morgan - Emergency Medicine
- MorganDr Patrick Morgan - Anaesthetics
- MorganDr Steven Morgan - Radiology
- MorganMr Justin Morgan - General Surgery
- MorrisDr Edmund Morris - Anaesthetics
- MorrisMr Stephen Morris - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- MortimerDr Alexander Mortimer - Radiology
- MortimerDr Sarah Mortimer - Anaesthetics and Acute Pain
- MoutonDr Ronelle Mouton - Anaesthetics
- MpengeDr Mbiye Mpenge - Microbiology
- MullanMiss Michelle Mullan - Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
- MurrayDr Sam Murray - Gastroenterology
- MurrayMr James Murray - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- NaaisaDr Feras Naaisa - Gynaecology
- NathMr Jay Nath - Renal Transplant / General Surgery Clinical
- NayarDr Gayathri Nayar - Microbiology
- NearyMr William Neary - General Surgery
- NelDr Lionel Nel - Acute Internal Medicine and General Internal Medicine
- NeubergerDr Francesca Neuberger - Acute Medicine
- NewellDr Christopher Newell - Anaesthetics
- NewtonDr Claire Newton - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- NgDr Yin Yee Ng - Neurosurgery, Spines & Pain
- Ngan SooDr Eleanor Ngan Soo - Imaging
- NickellDr Katherine Nickell - Anaesthesia
- NickellsDr James Nickells - Anaesthetics
- NickolsDr Gemma Nickols - Anaesthetics
- NicolaeMr Liviu Nicolae - Neurosurgery, Spines & Pain
- NowellMr Mark Nowell - Complex Spine Surgery
- O'BrienDr Anna O'Brien - Medicine
- O'BrienDr Stephen O'Brien - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- O'ConnorDr Kate O'Connor - Anaesthetics
- OffiahDr Ifeoma Offiah - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- OliverDr Caroline Oliver - Anaesthetics
- OnofreiDr Mihaela Onofrei - Anaesthetics
- OrlandoMr Antonio Orlando - Plastic Surgery
- OsborneMr Alan Osborne - General Surgery
- OttonDr Sophie Otton - Haematology
- OwareDr Agyepong Oware - Neurophysiology
- OxleyDr Jon Oxley - Cellular Pathology
- OzdemirMr Baris Ata Ozdemir - Vascular Surgery
- PackhamMr Iain Packham - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- PaiMr Mahesh Pai - Vascular Surgery
- PalMr Raj Pal - Urological Surgery
- PapouchadoDr Mark Papouchado - Cardiology
- ParasuramanDr Sathish Parasuraman - Cardiology
- ParfittDr Vernon Parfitt - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- ParryDr Frances Parry - General Internal Medicine
- PatelDr Anish Patel - Medicine
- PatelDr Samir Patel - Medical Admissions
- PatelMr Nikunj (Nik) Patel - Neurosurgery
- PatelMr Nitin Patel - Neurosurgery
- PatelMrs Naomi Patel - Plastic Surgery
- PaulichDr Skylar Paulich - Critical Care
- PaulingDr John Pauling - Rheumatology
- PawadeDr Jayashree Pawade - Cellular Pathology
- PazderovaDr Libuse Pazderova - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- PearsonDr Justin Pearson - Neurology
- PhilipDr Shoba Philip - Radiology
- PhilipMr Joe Philip - Urology
- PichierriMr Angelo Pichierri - Neurosurgery
- PikeDr Alison Pike - Neonatal Medicine
- PlastowDr Susan Plastow - Anaesthetics
- PleatMr Jonathon Pleat - Plastic Surgery
- PlummeridgeDr Martin Plummeridge - Respiratory
- PocklingtonDr Alice Pocklington - Radiology
- PollentineDr Adrian Pollentine - Radiology
- PooleMr William Poole - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- PorteousMr Andrew Porteous - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- PorterMr David Porter - Neurosurgery
- PournarasMr Dimitri Pournaras - Upper Gastrointestinal, Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery
- PowerDr Albert Power - Renal
- PowterDr Louise Powter - Medical Admissions
- PoyiatzisDr Demetris Poyiatzis - Cellular Pathology
- PreshawMiss Jessica Preshaw - Gynaecology
- PresswoodDr Maggie Presswood - Palliative Care
- PrestonDr Nick Preston - Anaesthetics
- PrzemiosloDr Robert Przemioslo - Gastroenterology
- PullyblankMiss Anne Pullyblank - General Surgery
- PykeDr Mark Pyke - Anaesthetics
- QuaderDr Keya Quader - Anaesthetics
- QureshiMr Farukh Qureshi - Urology
- RaineyDr Katie Rainey - Care of the Elderly
- RajayogeswaranDr Brathaban (Ben) Rajayogeswaran - Radiology
- RamamoorthiDr Madhu Ramamoorthi - Neurology
- RavananDr Rommel Ravanan - Renal
- RayDr Andy Ray - Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia
- RaymentDr Dane Rayment - Neuropsychiatry
- RhidianDr Rhys Rhidian - Anaesthesia
- RichardsDr Jarrod (David) Richards - Care of the Elderly
- RichfieldDr Edward Richfield - Medicine for Older People
- RickardDr Frances Rickard - General Internal Medicine
- RiddickMr Andrew Riddick - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- RisdaleDr Saira Risdale - Nephrology
- RobinsonDr Natalie Robinson - AMU
- RobinsonMr James Robinson - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- RobinsonMr Peter Robinson - Orthopaedics & Trauma
- RodriguezMr Jean-Brice Rodriguez - Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- RoehrDr Charles Roehr - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- RoseDr Claire Rose - Neonatal Medicine
- RoweMr Edward Rowe - Urology
- RoystonDr Rachel Royston - Palliative Care
- RussellDr Georgina Russell - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- SafticDr Igor Saftic - Clinical Governance Operational
- SamuelDr Katie Samuel - Anaesthesia
- SarangiDr Partha Sarangi - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- ScottDr Liam Scott - Intensive Care Medicine and Anaesthesia
- SellarDr Claire Sellar - Respiratory
- SenMiss Sanchita Sen - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- SenMr Sankhya Sen - Plastic Surgery
- ShahDr Sanjoy Shah - CEO Office
- SharmaDr Kanchan Sharma - Neurology
- SheffieldDr Edward Sheffield - Cellular Pathology
- ShindeDr Samantha Shinde - Anaesthetics
- ShipwayDr David Shipway - Care of the Elderly
- ShrimankerMr Rahul Shrimanker - Medicine
- SiddiqDr Samreen Siddiq - Haematology
- SieradzanDr Katarzyna (Kasia) Sieradzan - Neurology
- SinDr Fang En Sin - Rheumatology
- Skyrme-JonesDr Andrew Skyrme-Jones - Cardiology
- SlatorMiss Naomi Slator - Neurosurgery, Spines & Pain
- SmithDr Andrew Smith - General Surgery
- SmithDr Frances Smith - Anaesthetics
- SmithDr Paul Smith - Neuroradiology
- SmithDr Reston Smith - Anaesthetics
- SoarDr Jasmeet Soar - Anaesthetics
- SokolowskiDr Jaroslaw Sokolowski - Haematology
- SpoonerDr Kay Spooner - Anaesthetics
- SrivastavaDr Ankur Srivastava - Gastroenterology & Hepatology
- SrivastavaDr Seema Srivastava - Care of the Elderly
- StandingDr Judith Standing - Obstetrics
- StevensDr James Stevens - Neurology
- StreetsDr Carole Streets - Anaesthetics
- SumrienDr Haytham Sumrien - Colorectal Surgery
- SutakDr Judit Sutak - Cellular Pathology
- SyedMr Asim Syed - General Surgery
- SzecseiDr Cornelia Szecsei - Pathology
- SzewczykDr Konrad Szewczyk-Krolikowski - Neurology
- TalbotDr Fleur Talbot - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- TalbotDr Janine Talbot - Anaesthetics
- TatovicDr Danijela Tatovic - Diabetes & Endocrinology
- TaylorDr Dominic Taylor - Renal
- TaylorDr Rachel Jayne Taylor - Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Emergency Medicine
- TeoMr Mario Teo - Neurosurgery
- TerlevichDr Ana Terlevich - Gastroenterology
- ThavarajanMr Devan Thavarajan - Vascular Surgery
- ThirlwellProfessor Christina Thirlwell - Pathology
- ThomasDr Ian Thomas - Anaesthetics
- ThomasDr Katherine Thomas - Emergency Medicine
- ThomasDr Matt Thomas - Anaesthetics
- ThomasDr Matthew Thomas
- ThompsonDr Andrew Thompson - Anaesthetic
- ThorntonDr Daniel Thornton - Medicine
- ThorntonDr Mark Julian Thornton - Radiology
- TimoneyMr Anthony Timoney - Urology
- TobiasProfessor Jon Tobias - Osteoporosis
- TolchardDr Stephen Tolchard - Anaesthetics
- TsakmakisDr Maria Tsakmakis - Neonatal Medicine
- TurnerDr Samuel Turner - Renal
- TwineMr Christopher Twine - General Surgery Services
- UpadhyayMr Neil Upadhyay - Orthopaedics
- UrankarDr Kathryn Urankar - Neuropathology
- UriDr Ishaq Uri - Radiology
- ValenciaDr Alexandra Valencia - Radiology
- VereyDr Claire Verey - Medicine
- Vieten-KayDr Daniela Vieten-Kay - Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
- VillarDr Sarah J Villar - Rheumatology
- VosoughDr Alireza Vosough - Radiology
- WachDr Richard Wach - Neonatal Medicine
- WalkerDr Paul Walker - Cardiology
- WalshDr Katherine Walsh - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- WaltonDr Benjamin Walton - Anaesthetics
- WaltonDr Edward Walton - Radiology
- WarehamDr James Wareham - Interventional Neuroradiology
- WarrMr Robert Warr - Plastic Surgery
- WarrenMiss Katherine Warren - Urology
- WattsDr Nick Watts - Care of the Elderly
- WealeDr Nicola Weale - Anaesthetics
- WealeMr Andrew Weale - General Surgery
- WebbMr Jason Webb - Trauma & Orthopaedics
- WembridgeDr Katharine Wembridge - Anaesthesia
- WensleyDr Susan Wensley - Care of the Elderly
- WerndleDr Melissa Cheng-Hwa Werndle - Neuroradiology
- WestDr Stephen West - Intensive Care and Nephrology
- WestMiss Emily West - Plastic Surgery
- WhebleWing Commander George Wheble - Plastic Surgery
- WhitewayDr Alistair Whiteway - Haematology
- WhittleDr Curtis Whittle - Anaesthetics
- WhittlestoneMr Timothy Whittlestone - Urology
- WhoneDr Alan Whone - Neurology
- WigfieldMr Crispin Wigfield - Neurosurgery & Complex Spine Surgery
- WilliamsDr Christopher Williams - Acute Internal Medicine
- WilliamsDr Fionn Williams - Radiology
- WilliamsDr Martin Williams - Radiology
- WilliamsDr Morgan Williams - Acute Medicine & General Internal Medicine
- WilliamsMr Adam Williams - Neurosurgery
- WilliamsonDr Dominic Williamson - Emergency Medicine
- WillisDr Joanna Willis - Renal
- WillsDr Jonathan Wills - Anaesthetics
- WillsonDr James Willson - Emergency Department
- WilsonMr Ewan Wilson - Plastic Surgery
- WinterbornMiss Rebecca Winterborn - Vascular Surgery
- WongDr Chih Wong - Cardiology
- WongDr Newton Wong - General Surgery
- WongMr Christopher Wong - General Surgery
- Wood-AllumDr Clare Wood-Allum - Neurology
- WoodcraftDr Heather Woodcraft - Care of the Elderly
- WordsworthDr Georgina Wordsworth - Diabetes & Endocrinology and General Internal Medicine
- WrathallDr Gareth Wrathall - Anaesthetics
- WrightDr Beth Wright - Dermatology
- WrightMr Thomas Wright - Plastic Surgery
- ZanderDr Karine Zander - Anaesthetics
- ZeinoDr Zeino Zeino - Gastroenterology
- ZhangDr Yuening Zhang - Cellular Pathology
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There are over 8,000 reasons why North Bristol NHS Trust is a place to be #NBTProud of. We support and care for every member of staff, every carer, every visitor, and will always put the patient first. We recognise the person, and treat each one with dignity and respect. We are OneNBT.
We provide general hospital services and pioneering treatments.