GNC Number: 6128297

Year of first qualification: 2005, University of Leeds
Specialty: Trauma and Orthopaedics
Clinical interests: Adult and Paediatric Orthopaedic Spinal Surgery; surgical treatments for cervical, thoracic and lumbar spinal deformities, fractures, tumours, infections and degenerative conditions of the spine
Secretary: Sarah Balmire
Telephone: 0117 414 1619
Mr Neil Upadhyay was appointed as Consultant Orthopaedic Spine Surgeon at North Bristol NHS Trust and Bristol Royal Hospital for Children in June 2017. His training included Basic Surgical Training in Leeds and Specialist Orthopaedic Training in the Bristol region.
In 2015, after completing his orthopaedic training he spent 12 months at Musgrove Park Hospital as a spinal fellow followed by 12 months at the Leeds General Infirmary as the senior spinal fellow. His interests are adult and paediatric deformity, spinal trauma treatments, cervico-thoracic fixations, reconstructive spinal surgery for congenital, trauma, infection or tumour conditions of the spine, spinal fusions via anterior, posterior and lateral approach techniques and use of Navigated surgery and Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery techniques.