GMC Number: 4180625

Year & location of first qualification: University of Bristol 1995
Specialty: Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
Clinical interests: Breast cancer, benign breast disease, NHS Breast Screening work, teenagers with breast problems
Secretary: Louise O' Leary
Telephone number: 0117 414 7000
Michelle qualified from the University of Bristol in 1995 and underwent her surgical training in Bristol and the West Midlands. She has always been interested in breast disease, and undertook research at The Royal Surrey County Hospital in sentinel lymph node biopsy, as part of the Medical Research Council ALMANAC Trial. Michelle has been appointed as a Trustee for the Association of Breast Surgery and sits on the Clinical Practices and Standards Committee.
Her advanced surgical training in Oncoplastic Breast Surgery was in the UK and the United States, practising at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and the Henry Ford Institute in Detroit. She was admitted as a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2006. In 2008 Miss Mullan won the European Society of Surgical Oncology Travelling Scholarship and spent her time at the Nottingham Breast Institute. Her first consultant appointment was in Worcestershire in 2008, where she was Lead Cancer Clinician for the county. She was appointed to her current position as an Oncoplastic Breast Consultant at North Bristol NHS Trust in 2019.
Her clinical interests include breast cancer surgery using oncoplastic techniques (surgery with minimal scarring), sentinel lymph node biopsy, lipofilling of breast defects (Colman fat transfer), breast reconstruction, nipple reconstruction and nipple tattooing.