GMC Number: 7082829
Year and location of first qualification: University of Bristol, 2010
Specialty: Anaesthetics
Clinical interests: Obstetric Anaesthesia, Clinical Simulation, Patient Safety
Secretary: Department Secretary Team
Telephone number: 0117 414 2640
Edward Miles is a Fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists and was appointed a Consultant in Anaesthetics at North Bristol NHS Trust in 2021. He has a special interest in Obstetric Anaesthesia and works regular sessions in Central Delivery Suite and the Elective Obstetric Theatres on our Southmead site. He also regularly delivers general and regional anaesthesia across our surgical specialities in the main Brunel Theatres complex, and sees patients prior to their planned surgery at our Pre-operative Assessment Clinic.
Outside of his clinical duties, Edward has an interest in Postgraduate Medical Education and the use of Simulation in both individual and team-based training. Edward has led several large-scale simulations across our organisation and is passionate about using the tool to improve the care we deliver to our patients and the professional development we provide to our colleagues. He is an accredited Educational Supervisor with responsibility for supporting postgraduate doctors in training programmes delivered across North Bristol NHS Trust.
Email address: edward.miles@nbt.nhs.uk