Electronic Assistive Technology Service Referral

The service is available for anyone of all ages and medical conditions who meet the provision criteria. This criterion is defined by the NHS England Service Specification for Complex Disability Equipment: Environmental Controls.

Provision Criteria:

  • Profound and potentially complex physical disability, such that they are unable to operate standard controls for functioning independently in the home.
  • Where simpler and cheaper non customised solutions are not suitable or appropriate.
  • Cognitively and physically able to operate EC equipment consistently.
  • Able to demonstrate sustained motivation to use the EC equipment.
  • Individuals requiring multiple control functions integrated into a single means of access as multiple devices are inappropriate (including also potential for integrating functions for communication, computer access and/or powered wheelchair control.

Exclusion Criteria (for equipment provision by the service);

  • Where simpler and cheaper non customised solutions to the identified needs of the patient are available and appropriate for the individual.
  • The individual patient does not have the cognitive ability or motivation to operate the EC equipment. This shall normally be established though a period of trial of some sample solution of equipment.
  • Provision of equipment is inappropriate due to social, environmental or other circumstances. Given the nature of the medical conditions, compliance with the criteria may not be apparent from the referral information, and therefore are to be applied following the assessment.



Contact Electronic Assistive Technology

Telephone: 0117 4145899

Lines are manned from 07.30 - 17.00. An answermachine is available if a member of the team is not available to take your call.


Electronic Assistive Technology Service Referral