Sample type: Whole Blood
Test name: Galactosaemia screen a.k.a. gal-1-put, beutler test
Condition / Indication: Classical Galactosaemia Screen
Special precautions & notes: This test is not valid if the patient has received transfused erythrocytes (Note: urine galactitol is an alternative test to exclude classical galactosaemia in this situation).
Reference range: Qualitative report
Container: Li heparin (green top)
Alternative container: 2 bloodspots on Newborn Screening Card
Ideal volume (mL): 1 mL
Referred outside NBT for analysis? No
Discipline: Clinical Biochemistry
Section: Metabolic Biochemistry
Turnaround time: 7 days
- Galactosaemia Request form.pdf120.79 KB
Information for Laboratories referring samples for analysis at NBT:
Please phone laboratory if urgent analysis is required. Send as whole blood (Do not centrifuge), EDTA samples are not acceptable.