Sample type: Whole Blood
Test name: Porphyrins
Condition / Indication: Porphyria (Acute or Cutaneous)
Special precautions & notes: Please discuss request with laboratory. Once collected, protect sample from light at all times (wrap in foil, place in thick brown envelope), and send immediately.
Reference range: Plasma total porphyrin: <11.2 nmol/L. Erythrocyte total protoporphyrin <1.7 umol/L.
Container: EDTA (Lavender top)
Ideal volume (mL): 5-10 mL
Referred outside NBT for analysis? Yes
Discipline: Clinical Biochemistry
Turnaround time: 15 days
Referral location: Porphyria Service, Medical Biochemistry (Upper Ground floor), University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XW