Instructions for day/night urine collection for cystinuria
Please read these instructions carefully, make sure that you are prepared, and follow each of the steps to ensure proper collection.
The collection bottles contain a preservative (strong liquid acid), this must not be thrown away.
Care should be taken not to spill or touch any as it could burn your skin, even when mixed with urine. If you spill the acid, advice for first air for skin/eye contact is on the back of the container.
How do I collect the specimen?
- Choose a day when you will be at home.
- When you get up in the morning, pass urine (pee) into the toilet. The collection of urine will start from this time. Please write
- the date and time on the ‘Day’ collection bottle.
- Collect all the urine you pass into the the ‘Day’ collection bottle and finish this collection by emptying your bladder into the bottle before going to bed. Please write the date and time of this on the ‘Day’ collection bottle.
- Any urine passed overnight should be collected in the ‘Night’ collection bottle.
- When you wake the next day, empty your bladder and collect this urine. You should add this to the ‘Night’ collection bottle. Please note the date and time of this on the ‘Night’ collection bottle.
After the sample has been collected
Check the cap is screwed on firmly.
Carefully fill in all details required on the container labels including your name, date of birth, and hospital/NHS number.
Please note: any container received unlabeled cannot be accepted and you would have to repeat the collection.
If you don’t have your NHS/hospital number, or the barcode label, please contact your GP surgery, ward, or clinic.
What to do with the collected sample
Check that all the details have been filled in clearly on the label.
Deliver the container and the form as soon as possible direct to the laboratory, hospital or your GP.
Laboratory Specimen Reception, Pathology Sciences Building, Southmead Hospital, Bristol BS10 5NB
Opening hours 08:00 to 22:00.
Further Information
Further information can be found at:
© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published October 2024. Review due October 2027. NBT002316.
Contact Clinical Biochemistry
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Pathology Sciences Laboratory
(Blood Sciences and Bristol Genetics)
Southmead Hospital
Bristol BS10 5NB
Helpdesk: 0117 4148383
Duty Biochemist: 0117 4148437
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