Consultant in Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Simon Grant (MD FRCOG): Clinical Lead
Dr Simon Grant trained in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, with Sub-Specialty Training in Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
He worked for five years as a consultant in Cornwall before moving to NBT in 2005 as Lead for Fetal Medicine and has been participating in NBT’s PAS service for several years.

Consultant Obstetrician/Fetal Medicine, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Stephen O’Brien (PhD MRCOG): PAS Diagnostic Specialist
Dr Stephen O'Brien is a Consultant Obstetrician with an interest in Fetal Medicine. He completed his specialist training in the West of England, including a PhD in operative vaginal birth at the University of Bristol.
His interests include the diagnosis and management of fetal abnormalities, placenta accreta spectrum disorders, women at risk of preterm birth and operative vaginal birth. He is the national co-ordinator for training in operative vaginal birth for the RCOG.
Dr O’Brien performs detailed ultrasound examinations for women at risk of PAS and helps plan care for women with PAS as part of the PAS Network.

Consultant in Obstetrics, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Jo Crofts (BMedSci, BMBS, MRCOG, MD): Obstetric Surgical Lead
Dr Jo Crofts has been a Consultant Obstetrician at North Bristol Trust since 2014.
She is currently the Obstetric Specialty Lead, having worked as the Labour Ward Lead for 8 years prior to this. Jo has a specialist interest in obstetric emergencies, high risk intrapartum care and research.

Consultant Anaesthetist, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Nicola Weale (BMedSci. BM, BS. FRCA): Anaesthetic Lead for PASD
Dr Weale qualified in 1995 from Nottingham University. She trained in anaesthesia in the South-West and was appointed as a consultant anaesthetist at North Bristol NHS Trust in 2009.
Her subspecialty interest is in obstetric anaesthesia and has been the lead for obstetric anaesthesia and PASD since 2015.

Consultant Anaesthetist, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Christina Laxton (MBChB (1989), FRCA (1995): Anaesthetist for PASD
Dr Laxton trained as an anaesthetist in the South-West region before being appointed as a consultant at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) in 2002. Her specialist interest is in obstetric anaesthesia and was the Clinical lead for Obstetric Anaesthesia at NBT between 2008 and 2015.
Dr Laxton was an inaugural faculty member of the PROMPT Maternity Foundation (promoting multi-professional training for safer childbirth). She also has a strong interest in blood conservation methods.

Midwife, North Bristol NHS Trust
Karen Pereira: Lead AIP and for PASD
Karen is a specialist Theatre midwife and as such has been involved with the PAS team for several years. She has gained skills in Critical care and Complex Theatre cases.
Karen is passionate about providing a positive experience for patients in Theatre.

Acting Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Mo Elhodaiby: Complex Obstetric Surgical Lead
I am an Obstetric and Gynaecology Acting Consultant with a special interest in Complex Benign Obstetric and Gynaecological surgery. I am member of the surgical team who deal with PAS patients at NBT. I have worked in Bristol for seven years, in which time I have completed advanced training in Benign Gynaecological Surgery and Urogynaecology. I have been a faculty member on a number of “train the trainer” courses for operative obstetrics. Before coming to the UK, I trained and worked in Egypt where, due to the unfortunate high caesarean section rate, PAS was a common feature of the workload. My main areas of interest include complex surgery, improving patient experience and teaching.