First Aid should ideally be performed within twenty minutes of burning yourself
✔ Stop the burning as soon as possible, for example by dousing the flames or removing the person from the area
✘ Do not put yourself at risk
✔ Remove any clothing that surrounds the burn.
✘ Do not attempt to remove clothing if it is stuck to the skin. You should leave this for medical staff to remove.
✘ Do not pull or tug at clothing which is stuck to the skin as can cause further complications.
✔ Remove any jewellery which is near the burn site. But only do this if you can safely remove it without causing any damage to the burn.
✔ Cool the burn down immediately. You should place the affected area in cool water or under a gently running cold tap for at 10 to 30 minutes.
✘ Never place a child in a bath full of cold water. This can cause them to go into shock and other complications.
✘ You should not use any ointment or cream on the burn. And never use butter, oil, spray or any other household medicine.
✘ Do not use ice
✔ Keep the person warm by using a blanket or layers of clothing.
✘ Avoid putting these directly on the burn
✔ Cover the burn with cling film as a layer over the burn
✘ Avoid wrapping it around the limb
✘ Do not apply to the face
✔ Seek medical help, if an emergency call 999, if a minor burn call 111.
✘ Never burst or pop any blisters on a burn, as this can lead to an infection.
Most small burns will heal themselves. Burns can be left uncovered unless they are in a place where it is difficult to keep clean. Use a non-adhesive (non-sticky) dressing for temporary coverage if you need to cover a burn or scald.
If you have not had a full course of tetanus immunisation or if your boosters are not up to date contact your GP.
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