The Haematology Nurse Specialist (CNS) Team
The Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialists are experts in haematology cancer care; we work as part of the Cancer Support Team and Multidisciplinary team (the different professionals working together to provide the appropriate care for you). We can answer your questions and give you information about your diagnosis, treatment, and support available during and after your care.
Cancer Support Worker (CSW)
The Cancer Support Team also has Support Workers who work alongside the haematology team. They are trained to provide support and non-clinical information about physical, emotional, and practical concerns during your diagnosis, treatment, or monitoring, up until discharge from our care.
The Cancer Support Worker will help you to self-manage through your recovery and/or monitoring, helping you return to a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible. The Cancer Support Worker can help refer you to services such as dietitians, physiotherapy, and psychology which are available free of charge through Macmillan, and also inform you about the support available in the community that might help reach your goals.
Personalised Care and Support Planning (PCSP)
Personalised Care and Support Planning is a conversation and assessment you will be offered with your Clinical Nurse Specialist and/or Cancer Support Worker, to help discuss your health and wellbeing in relation to your cancer. It will assess your individual needs and concerns, to understand what matters to you. This can be done by:
- Using a holistic needs assessment, a questionnaire that will prompt you to think about areas that might be of concern you.
- Developing an agreed plan of care to address your concerns.
Personalised Care and Support Planning includes sharing information with you about diet, physical activity, fatigue and other practical information relevant to you. This can include anything from emotional support to signposting you to local support services, such as benefits advice.
Making decisions about your healthcare
At NBT we encourage you to be a partner in your healthcare. When patients work with healthcare professionals to make decisions about their healthcare plan and treatment, this is called shared decision making. Shared decision making makes sure you are supported to make decisions that are right for you. This means supporting you to choose tests and treatments based on medical evidence, as well as your individual preferences, beliefs, and values.
It can be helpful to write down questions you have for your healthcare team. You should bring these, and a pen and paper to make any notes when you have appointments.
Some questions that might be helpful to ask:
- What are my options?
- What are the possible benefits and risks of those options?
- What support and information is available to help me make my decision?
Shared decision making matters to us. Tell us what matters to you.
NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre
We offer help and information about different kinds of cancers and treatments. We also talk about money, benefits you might get, what to eat, and exercises to do. If you have concerns or just want to talk with one of the team, we have time to listen and help you. The centre offers ‘drop-ins’ for coffee and a chat or appointments for specific needs.
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 08:30 - 16:15
Phone: 0117 414 7051
Cancer Information Session
As part of your routine care you may be invited to a group education and support session at, or soon after the time of a cancer diagnosis.
The session provides:
- Information about cancer and related topics that help you participate in your care and recovery.
- The opportunity to meet other people with similar experiences.
- Help to enable you to make choices best suited to you.
Venue: NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre, Southmead Hospital
Days and times: Monday 13:30 - 14:30, Thursday 10:00 – 11:00
How to contact us
NGS Macmillan Wellbeing Centre
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB
Monday to Friday, 08:30 to 16:15
Phone 0117 414 7051
Haematology Clinical Nurse Specialist
Phone 07545 421 893
© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published January 2025. Review due January 2028. NBT003164
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