North Bristol NHS Trust is committed to research that can improve the outcome of its patients and their experience of its services.
Working collaboratively with care providers across the geographical area, we seek to ensure that everyone we meet has equal access to research. With patients and the public at the heart of all we do, our four main aims are; to empower patients in research, support and nurture our workforce, make research visible in day to day activity, and work with our regional partners to improve healthcare.
This commitment has enabled us to deliver research both on time and to target, which ultimately leads to the highest quality outcomes and improved care for our patients.
Every year 12,000 participants take part in research at our Trust. Watch a video with few of their stories, alongside those of dedicated research staff.

Take Part in Research

Become one of the thousands of people taking part in research every day within the NHS.
Meet the Research & Development Team

Want to find out more about our research? Simply get in touch with a member of our team here.
Contact Research
Research & Development
North Bristol NHS Trust
Level 3, Learning & Research building
Southmead Hospital
Bristol, BS10 5NB
Telephone: 0117 4149330