Pan-COVID is an international study of women aged between 18 and 50 who have had suspected or confirmed COVID-19 during their pregnancy.
The study aims to better understand the effects of the coronavirus on women and their babies by compiling a global disease registry focussing on the breadth of possible birth outcomes.
Here, Nichola Bale, Senior Research Midwife, talks further about the study:
Video Transcript
Hello, I'm Nicky Bale, and I am the local PI (Principle Investigator) for the Pan-COVID study.
The Pan-COVID study is a global registry of women aged between 18 and 50 who have had suspected or confirmed COVID-19 in pregnancy and their babies. Data will be collected retrospectively from January 2020 to March 2021.
The study aims to better understand the effects of coronavirus on women and their babies by compiling a global disease registry. The focus will be on birth outcomes such as miscarriage, growth restriction, preterm labour, stillbirth and a vertical transmission between mother and baby.
For entry into the study, women need to have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 necessitating a period of self-isolation. They do not need to have been hospitalised or tested for the virus.
Our Maternity Research Department would like to thank all the families that have taken part in the study so far.
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